Monday, November 21, 2011

It's A Fatty Blog!


Fat is very "calorically" dense, meaning that a gram of fat has about 9 calories while a gram of carbohydrate or protein has about 1/2 the calories, or 4 grams, so you can eat twice as much carbohydrates or protein for the same amount of calories of fat it means more room for fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. Reducing fat from your diet can assist in weight loss or weight maintenance since you will be eating fewer calories.

Reducing saturated fat can also help reduce your risk of heart disease which will help lower blood cholesterol levels, also it may help reduce your risk of cancer.

The Four Types Of Fat

I'm not going to deep in this "you'll have a big headache if i say Cis and trance", but in general here are four categories that all fats fall into, Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Saturated, and Trans Fats.
Hard!! well i'll simple it to you.. If I say Trans Fat are the only of the other types of fat that are man-made you will know that we should be far far away from them.. So when you're out shopping, always avoid these:
- hydrogenated vegetable oil
- partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
- vegetable shortening
- margarine

So mainly Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats, keeping saturated fats to less than 10% of total calories, & it's important to realize that no fat source is purely saturated or unsaturated.
Foods like nuts and avocados are predominantly monounsaturated fat sources, as are olive and canola oils. Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils like corn, soy, and sunflower, along with in fish and fish oil. Animal products, including dairy, and the foods made from coconut (coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut oil) or palm oil are the main sources of saturated fat in the diet.

What to do
Here are some tips to help you:

1. Steam, boil, broil, or microwave vegetables, or stir-fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil.
2. Season vegetables with herbs and spices rather than sauces, butter, or margarine.
3. Try lemon juice or fat-free dressing on salad, or use a yogurt based dressing instead of mayonnaise or sour cream dressing.
4. To reduce saturated fat, use vegetable oil or tub margarine instead of butter or stick margarine when possible.
5. Replace whole milk with skim or low-fat milk in puddings, soups, and baked products. Substitute plain nonfat yogurt, blender-whipped cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, or buttermilk in recipes that call for sour cream.
6. Choose lean cuts of meat, and trim any visible fat from meat before and after cooking. Remove skin from poultry before or after cooking. Monitor portion sizes.
7. Roast, bake, or broil meat, poultry, or fish, so that fat drains away as the food cooks.
8. Use a nonstick pan for cooking so added fat will be unnecessary, use a vegetable spray for frying.
9. Chill broths from meat or poultry until the fat becomes solid. Spoon off the fat before using the broth.
10. Eat a low-fat vegetarian main dish at least once a week.

11. Start exercising. Jogging, running, swimming and cycling are excellent ways to be fit, but if you find themboring, you can start a team sport such as volleyball, basketball etc.
12. Drink a lot of water. It makes you feel full and forget about having extra meals and snacks
13. Have healthy snacks among your main meals if you are still hungry (fruit, vegs, low fat or skimmed diary products, with some protein"
13. Use reduced-fat or nonfat salad dressings.
14. Use nonfat or lower fat spreads, such as jelly or jam, fruit spread, apple butter, nonfat or reduced-calorie mayonnaise, nonfat margarine, or mustard.
15. Use high-fat foods only sometimes; choose more low-fat and nonfat foods.
16. To top baked potatoes, use plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt, nonfat or reduced-fat sour cream, nonfat or low-fat cottage cheese, nonfat margarine, nonfat hard cheese, salsa or vinegar.
17. Use a little lemon juice, dried herbs, thinly sliced green onions, or a little salsa as a nonfat topping for vegetables or salads.
18. Use small amounts of high-fat toppings. For example, use only 1 tsp butter or mayonnaise; 1 tbsp sour cream; 1 tbsp regular salad dressing.
19. Switch to 1 percent or skim milk and other nonfat or lower fat dairy products (low-fat or nonfat yogurt, nonfat or reduced-fat sour cream).
20. Cut back on cheese by using small (1 oz) amounts on sandwiches and in cooking or use lower fat and fat-free cheeses (part-skim mozzarella, 1 percent cottage cheese, or nonfat hard cheese).
21. Try small amounts of these low-fat treats: fig bars, vanilla wafers, ginger snaps, angel food cake, jelly beans,, gum drops, hard candy, puddings made with low-fat (1 percent) skim milk, nonfat frozen yogurt with a fruit topping, or fruit popsicles. Try pretzels or popcorn without butter or oil for an unsweetened treat.
23. To top baked potatoes, use plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt, nonfat or reduced-fat sour cream, nonfat or low-fat cottage cheese, nonfat margarine, nonfat hard cheese, salsa or vinegar.
Save french fries and other fried foods for special occasions; have a small serving; share with a friend.
24. Save high-fat desserts (ice cream, pastries) for special occasions; have small amounts; share a serving with a friend.
25. Use beans as a dip for vegetables or filling for sandwiches.
27. Serve soup made from beans or peas - minestrone, split- pea, black bean, or lentil (once a week or more).
28. Try black-eyed peas or black beans as a vegetable side dish with meat or fish.
29. Add beans to salads. Many salad bars feature kidney beans, three-bean salad, or chick peas.
30. Small amount of nuts are good choices for a health snacks.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Açaí Fruit

It was important to tell you guys about this fruit, the NUMBER 1 SUPER FRUIT.
Before couple of months someone at work asked me about it, i googled it and i found lots of surprising thing about this fruit.
The amazon people kept hiding this treasure for a long time but now lots of studies proved how amazing & powerful is this fruit.

A C A I B E R R Y:
The Acai Berry have been consuming for years by Amazon people, in dishes, drinks, shakes, in breakfast, lunch, & dinner to give them overall nutrition that they need. It's a very powerful fruit that should be in your daily diet.
If your goal is to loose wight, then this fruit is the right choice for you. It's a part of a new diet called "Super Fruit Diet" which is a mix between three kinds of fruit.

In Brazilian herbal medicine, the oil of the fruit is used to treat diarrhea, an infusion of the root is used for jaundice and to build the blood, an infusion of the grated fruit rind is used as a topical wash for skin ulcers, and, the fruit seeds are crushed and prepared in an infusion for fevers.
In the Peruvian Amazon, an infusion of the toasted crushed seeds is used for fever, and a decoction of the root is used for malaria, diabetes, hepatitis and jaundice, hair loss, hemorrhages, liver and kidney diseases, menstrual pain, and muscle pain.
In Colombia, where the trees grow along the Pacific coast line, it is called naida and the fruit is turned into a common and popular drink.

B E N E F I T S:
And if you looking for the benefits, The berry is extremely rich in antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. With 15-20 times the antioxidants as red grapes, it is one of best sources of antioxidants of any food.
Also there is high concentration of omega fatty acids, amino acids, fibers.

It can helps you to:
1- Promote weight loss
2- Increase energy and stamina
3- Fight heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases
4- Boost the immune system
5- Improve the digestive system
6- Reduce the effects of aging
7- Improve vision
8- Increase sex drive

So these are some of many but it's really worth it to add this fruit in your diet.

Don't forget to fallow us on Twitter & FaceBook

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are You A Fan!

Hey Health Seekers!

انتري جديدة حنزلها قريب ان شاء الله,
و عملت فان بيج عالـ فيس
Go & Support us =D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Menu: How To Order!

We're going to continue our "Eating Out: Healthier Than Ever" series . . .
This time we're talking about "The Menu" and we will start with "How To Order" . . .

First you have to BREAK THE HABIT OF ORDERING SOMETHING FROM EACH CATEGORY =/. It's BAD, forget the "food etikate" nobody will sue you for not ordering "creamy soup" or unhealthy appetizer, & think what's better for my health?

AVOID dishes that described with words like (Fried, creamed, in cheese souse, scalloped, be'arnaise, basted, saute'ed (try lightly saute'ed), and au gratin and with/or in butter).
& GO FOR (Steamed, broiled, baked, au jus (cood in it's own juices), grilled, tandoori (no fat), roasted, poached, lightly saute'ed and stir-fried).

Ordering light starter or appetizer will help you to fill up with less calories, you can choose (fruite cup, green salad . . . etc). Most salads are drenched in fat BEWARE (i'll talk about what to choose from the salad bar in another entry).

Substitute harmful menu options with healthy choices:
x creamy salad dressings => lemon juice or vinegar.
x greasy vegetable preparations => stir-fry colorful ones.
x chips & french fries => baked potato.
x mayonnaise, sour cream or butter => mustard, salsa or low fat yogurt.
x cream => low fat milk for your coffee.
x pastries and cakes => fruit-based desserts.

Drink in moderation and choose fresh juices & light beverages, & always ask for water so that you are not drinking sodas to quench your thirst.

Finally, for a dessert, order dessert made with a high proportion of fresh fruit.
Or shear your favorite desert with others, because the idea is to get the taste not all the extra sugar & fat.

Next: "The Menu: What To Order?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eating Out: Healthier Than Ever

These next blog series i'm going to tell you how to eat healthy at restaurants, & how/ what to choose.

In this entry i'll give you the tracks to enjoy your favorite tasty meal with out felling guilty for breaking your healthy diet is, because it's REAL!!!

Here is the tracks:

1- Choosing the restaurant:
Try to choose restaurants that serve variety of foods, for vegie & non-vegie people. theses will give lots of good choices.

Well, Buffets are a popular method for feeding a large number of people with minimal staff. BUT it encourage OVEREATING!!!

3- DON'T skip earlier meals:
Skipping your breakfast or lunch in order to save up your calorie is a "very wrong idea", cos this can also lead to over eating.
But you may "limit your calories" by eating lean, low-calorie foods in break fast & lunch.

4- Modify the cooking procedure:
don't be afraid to ask how a dish is prepared, even in a very fancy restaurant.

5- protein size:
protein sizes at restaurants are usually double or triple what a person would normally eat. So try to order (have size) "if possible", Or eat only one-third to one-half of the meal & take the rest home.

Order low fat versions of your usual order.
ask is that (cheese, cream, sour cream, butter, add oils) can be left down, or on the side.
Limit the amount of (butter, margarine, olive oil) that used in bread, breadsticks or baked potato.

That's it for now, try this tracks this weekend =)


Next entry: "The Menu"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eatiiing Out!


Our new blog series will talk about "Eating Healthy Outside"

I'm going to tell you every thing about how to enjoy your favorite meal in a healthy way.

So Stay tuuuned ^^

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Is This Blog Full Of Colors!!!

مو بس عشان ان الي عاملة البلوق بتحب الالوان,
NOPE . .
بس بلنسبالي الصحن زي اللوحة, كل ماكانت الوانها متنوعة راح تحس بشعور احلا .. نفس الشي الاكل. . .
كل ما كان مختلف و متنوع كل مازادت الفائدة منو, و فاد صحتك اكتر ...

سو.. السؤال المهم ما علاقة الالوان بالاكل!!

ايام الجامعه كان عندنا مادة فيها مااعرف كم فيتامين على معدن.. كان لازم نحفظ فوائدها و نقصها ايش يسبب و الخ الخ .. دوخة
و الواحد ماحيقعد كل مايجي ياكل يفكر الفيتامين الفلاني حيعملي كدا و الشي الفلاني حيعملي كدا و دا الشي فيه كدا و كدا فيتامين .. موش حنخلص

في طريقة تانية اسهل و MUCH FUNNIER. . .

الالوان .. كل صبغة "لون" في الخضار و الفاكهة ممكن تعرفك بالقيمة الغذائية الي تحملها, فمثلاً:

Yellows & Oranges
الاصفر و البرتقالي
"البرتقال, القريب فروت, الخربز, المانجا, الاناناس, الجزر"
يقوي الجهاز المناعي, و يمنع الاصابة بامراض العين.

"الماشروم, البصل, الثوم, الموز"
يخفض الكلسترول السيئ (LDL) و يققل من الاصابة بأمراض القلب

" الكيوي, السبانخ, البروكلي, الملفوف"
يحمي العظام و الاسنان و النظر.

"البطيخ, الفراولة, الكرز, الطماطم, التفاح الاحمر "
يحمي من الاصابة بمرض الزهايمر, و يزيد من تدفق الدم الى القلب.

Blues & Purples
الازرق و البنفسجي
"التوت, العنب "البنفسجي اللون", الباذنجان"
يزيد من حدة الزاكرة, و يخفض الاصابة بأنوع عديدة من مرض السرطان.

الامثلة للقياس, مش بس هيا فقط الي فيها دي الفوائد في غيرها كتير, و تقدروا تقيسوا على الامثلة.

So now..
كل الي علينا نعمل mix & match للالوان, بحجم 5 حصص "كل حصة تساوي 1 كوب فاكهة او فرش او ا/2 كوب للمطبوخ"

ur life will be more healthier than before